"Enhanced Disintegration" is a vibrant and thought-provoking limited edition print by renowned street artist Shepard Fairey. This captivating artwork features a bold, abstract portrait composed of layered colors and textures. The piece's dynamic composition and striking color palette evoke a sense of energy and disruption.
Fairey's signature style, characterized by bold typography and iconic imagery, is evident in this work. The fragmented and disintegrating elements of the portrait suggest themes of decay, renewal, and the passage of time. "Enhanced Disintegration" is a powerful and visually arresting piece that invites viewers to contemplate the complexities of human existence and the ever-evolving nature of society.
Inspired by a decayed and defaced sticker of the iconic "Obey Giant" icon face, Fairey created "Enhanced Disintegration" to commemorate his 30th year in street art. The artwork captures the weathered and scarred appearance of the original sticker, highlighting the power of tenacity and the beauty of patina.
- Materials: Screenprint on cream Speckle Tone Paper
- Size: 18 in x 24 in
- Rarity:
- Certificate of Authenticity: Included (issued by gallery)
- Frame: No
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